Thursday, January 19, 2006

I like to have as little as possible no matter where I am travelling

I hate having a lot of "stuff" with me, whether I'm walking down the street, or flying across the country.

I always have my essentials, which include my cell phone, wallet, iPod & keys if I'm driving. Anything more then that depends on the specific situation. For school, I would have my backpack with a notebook and any books needed for the classes I have that day. When travelling, I try to keep my luggage to one check-in bag & one carry-on. I only pack as much as I need for the time I will be away, maybe one set of extra clothes.


what's up everyone ?

I've started a new blog for a class I'm taking this semester called "Neighborhood Narratives". I've only been here (in class) for 2 hours now & I'm already incredibly excited about it. From what I've understood so far, the class plans to bring together two of my favorite subjects, Philadelphia & technology.

well we just got dismissed for a lunch break - so I'm off for some food in the City of Brotherly Love.

until next time.